Our Profile

Who we are


Touchpoint Magna Carta is a Ghanaian-owned consultancy offering a full  range of Integrated Marketing Communications solutions – Event Management, Public Relations, Digital and Media Strategy.

We have a team of highly experienced professionals with a diverse background in the Integrated Marketing Communications industry. The Company is led by a Founder/Chairman and a General Manager who are recognized as one of the foremost reputation management and brand building experts in Ghana. 

Our Team

Our staff are the cornerstone of our success. 

Our Team is a blend of experienced, well-respected professionals and ambitious talents from diverse fields of communications who combine creativity and expert insight for the benefit of our clients. A large number of our staff have worked on award winning campaigns in Ghana for both blue chip and local brands.  Staff are dedicated  members of Institute of Public relations Ghana (IPR) and the Advertisers Association of Ghana (AAG). 

We have 23 full-time staff, and 100 seasonal contract staff (10 in each region of Ghana).
